Spider Gels — NSI NZ Ltd 跳至内容

Spider Gel

Spider Gels from Two Curly Girls
Instructions for use:
  1. Apply a thin layer of NSI Base Coat to the nails, ensure you cap the nails.
  2. Cure for 30 seconds under a lamp.
  3. Apply your desired colour polish in the same way as the base coat; a thin coat, cap the nail again. 
  4. Take your desired colour Spider Gel. Dip a fine brush or dotting tool into the gel and carefully dot it onto your nail. 
  5. Move the brush or dotting tool across the nail to create your desired pattern and keep going until you've finished.
  6. Cure for 30-60 seconds (dependant on your lamp).
  7. Here, you can then add more colour or leave the design as it is, curing for 30 seconds once finished.
  8. Finally, apply a top coat and cure for 30 seconds and use NSI Cleanse to remove the sticky residue leaving awesome shiny nails.

